Sunset over a Tenby Street
Sunset over a Tenby Street

Heading out to find dinner, with friends, in Tenby, this sunset appeared. The colours just worked so well in that street. Fortunately I was carrying my camera.

Ok, this is a re-post from 2013, and it’s another sunset / sunrise shot, but it’s one I especially like.

We found a great fish and chips dinner at Fecci’s, and took it to the gardens at the top of the cliffs. Interesting, sitting in the dark, eating dinner, with the sea crashing at the base of the cliffs.

A Bit About Tenby

Tenby is an historic seaside town tracing it’s beginnings to the 10th century. During the 12th and 13th centuries a castle was built and the town walled. Some of these walls still stand. In fact, much of the “holiday centre” of Tenby is within the rebuilt walls. The Victorians made the town popular as a seaside resort, which it remains today.

Tenby is a favourite, and one place we have visited a number of times.

Tenby Sunset Photos

Sunset photos in tenby are difficult. Simply because the sun sets inland. Getting up early will deliver some great sunrises, which I have captured a few times.

Visit Tenby

Thinking of somewhere to take a break?

Tenby has a couple of great beaches, It’s busy in summer, but also well worth a visit in September, when all the families have gone home.

Low tide at Tenby, Wales, UK
Tenby Harbour at low tide

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Sunset Tenby Street

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